Sunday, December 16, 2018

"I can't understand anything."

"And so this is Christmas. And what have you done?"

Yep. It's almost the break. Thank goodness, I'm starting to go senile. 

I may have misunderstood, but I think this is the last post (I just double checked, I'm wrong). Looking back I think I have improved a little, but not intentionally. I learned to talk to people but in all honesty, I think I lost a little something as well. 

The idea of this experiment was for me to become a starfish. Talk to people. Think less. And I did. But in doing so I also exceeded what I wanted to do too far. I lost track and before you know it, I'm not a starfish. I'm a sponge.

I should have suspected this a while back. I was stealing people's jokes, topics of conversation, and all these other things. But in doing so I became a sponge. I'm over saturated. I need to take a little time to become the old me a little bit.

I don't know. I'm trying. So that's good.
Image result for patrick is spongebob

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And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...