Friday, December 7, 2018

"But I was looking for ME the whole time! It's the perfect crime!"

The most amazing creature, drawn by yours truly.
Things have been a bit difficult, but I think I found a revelation. All of my problems, my disorganization, overthinking, stress, everything, is all internal. It's making  a bit of sense. I'm starting to realize how I can improve. I'm saying maybe if I start really trying to starfish, in that I must stop thinking, I can become the best person I can.

I'm not going to lie, I get a bit nervous around people. I feel a bit inferior to some of them, and to others I feel like a sort of bad friend. I don't know. That's why I like to be quiet. I'm quite a bit nervous, and I think something happened in my development where I have a bit of trouble reaching out to people. But I feel a bit more like a sponge now, soaking in everything, everyone, all this information. I'm bloody dry. I need to absorb more people.

But I want to absorb the right people. And as of right now, I feel like an access to an endless universe at my fingertips is kind of making this hard. And homework. That really throws a wrench in everything.

But I'm getting better. I can feel it.

I mean, I have the confidence to post this beautiful painting on my blog.

See you later.

"Let me take you down,
Cause I'm going to,
Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real.
And nothing to get hung about!
Strawberry Fields Forever."

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