Friday, November 30, 2018

"I gotta get back to crusting the crab."

I am currently writing this from a hotel room in Sarasota, so I am unable to supply a picture for today. Deepest apologies.

Well, I have a UN committee tomorrow, and this should be a good test of virtues. I think it'll be fun. I'm going to do good I think. I can easily talk to people. I can get work done pretty fast, and I could come up with things very fast. I'm just going to try to be friendly and hopefully that works.

I always get a little anxious before these events. I don't know why. Everyone there is just a person. They equally don't know me. It'll be fine.

Welp, I hope you all have a good weekend. I think I'm going to.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jin. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about for the UN committee. I'm sure you did really good. It must've been a really good chance to meet new people and practice your virtues. Have a good next few weeks.



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