Friday, November 30, 2018

"I gotta get back to crusting the crab."

I am currently writing this from a hotel room in Sarasota, so I am unable to supply a picture for today. Deepest apologies.

Well, I have a UN committee tomorrow, and this should be a good test of virtues. I think it'll be fun. I'm going to do good I think. I can easily talk to people. I can get work done pretty fast, and I could come up with things very fast. I'm just going to try to be friendly and hopefully that works.

I always get a little anxious before these events. I don't know why. Everyone there is just a person. They equally don't know me. It'll be fine.

Welp, I hope you all have a good weekend. I think I'm going to.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

"A Doughnut?"

Image result for patrick vacuum mouth
Hope you all had a good holiday.
So, Thanksgiving happened. It was fun, and I ate about 15 pounds of food.

But I'm really glad that the school week was really short. I finally got an opportunity to relax after what seemed like five weeks. (over the course of three days). I am currently trying to get my work done early, to little success. But I have been thinking a lot more recently. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because my brain is actually functioning again without having to think about Euclidean geometry, or how to say "hard dirty" in Greek.

So, there's nothing else that I have to say. I'm still trying.
Happy weekend everyone.

Friday, November 16, 2018


Well, this week has been as painful as it can.
The closest I can get to it is that my brain's arms and legs are being pulled off, and then regrown with worse legs and arms. It has been difficult to say the least.

So, I let my guard down for a little, and came back to school getting a %20 on a greek quiz. So that was fun.

I feel that whenever I relax just a little bit, all my work on organization and all that jazz immediately crumble. I'm starting to believe that I have no time to do anything but work anymore. The days stretch really long to the point where I can't separate a day from a week anymore.

Otherwise, I'm just doing fine. I'm not thinking very much, and I have gotten a lot more confident.

I'll just do me.

Image result for pink starfish photo
Wait a second, this isn't Patrick.

Friday, November 9, 2018

"No, Spongebob. That's Italian."

My secret to every model UN conference is to go in there knowing that other people are probably better than me. That way, you just enjoy yourself the whole time instead of being anxious. But that's just me, and other people have their own formulas, which I respect. I really do.

So as you can probably assume, we had a UN event today. It felt really short, but it was off for lack of a better word. We pretty much had a very long lunch all day, but I enjoyed it. It gave me the opportunity to talk to a bunch of people and learn how to be more friendly.

At the end of the day, I like these events because it lets me relax a little. I get to see how other people are doing and actually talk to them casually, while still being in a professional setting. I get to become more confident, and I feel good about it because everyone's in the same boat as you are.

Well, things kind of went south at the end. If you see Juan's post, he'll probably explain it. He should.
Image result for patrick star

Friday, November 2, 2018

"You guys talk funny! Say more words!"

As normal weeks go, this was a pretty normal week. Nothing happened. At all.

We are getting prepared for the big event, Greek night, and since I can't dance, I'm mainly just recording the dances. I do say that they are doing a really good job. Even if I could dance, I would still be unable to match their skill.

Otherwise, I have seemed to master the skill of not thinking. I now never think practically at any point. It really helps, I feel a lot better, and I now feel like I can work on my communication skills.

But there is one minor problem: my bookbag. It nearly breaks my back every time I go to school, so now I am getting into the habit of not bringing all the unnecessary folders and books along with me, to make it a little easier to carry (and to be a little better organized).

Image result for patrick dancing
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!


And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...