Friday, September 21, 2018

"Now you must develop a taste for free-form jazz."

Image result for patrick freeform jazz
The sophisticated starfish, trying to derive the message out of a piece of classical music.
Work has been getting noticeably harder. Like, by a lot. I have been getting it done but it is becoming a very large challenge compared to my previous years in school. 

I got two headaches this week. Not just normal ones, but bad ones. An Advil would usually get rid of it, but I think I'm just taking them at the wrong time. Like life, I need to deal with it at the starting of the "problem."

I do think I am thinking less. No, hold on, that's a good thing. One of my biggest blessings (and a curse) is that I overthink literally everything. I need to think about things, it's just my human nature. That's why I'm trying to enjoy things more simply. Trying to just listen to music, rather than listening to the lyrics. Try to derive the sound, not the meaning. Like how Patrick takes simple pleasures over difficult games.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jin, i've also noticed school getting a lot harder but knowing you I know you'll pull through easy. You've always been down to Earth and even if it gets stressful, remember that it always gets better with time.



And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...