Friday, September 14, 2018

"East? I thought you said weast."

Image result for patrick star building stable
The ingenious starfish, building a staple. As always, he has made a great success.
Oh Nelly, my brain hurts. 

For a little background, I have studied every day from Tuesday on. I was supposed to have two quizzes on Wednesday, and one on Friday, but I ended up having four today. It was a very long day. Lucky for me, they were all pretty easy. You know, it feels really good to be prepared for a quiz, let alone four quizzes.

But I think this is the start of something. I think because of this, I will continue to study a lot more. Yes, it was really, really hard, but I survived, and in the end, I came out proud.

I do have to give most of the credit to my little brother, however (at least for the greek quiz.) He didn't want to or need to do it, yet he still helped me succeed. I got a 90 on it, which might sound meh, but after getting consecutive Fs on these quizzes, I think I did pretty good this time around.

Well, I'm going to take a long deserved hiatus (that was one of the vocabulary words by the way.)


  1. Haha great use of hiatus. Referring to the quizzes great job on Greek. If you ever need help studying I can always help. For vocab (Greek or English) I just connect words to others so it's easier to remember. Good luck on the tests next week though. Maybe if you keep studying with your brother he can be a good luck charm lol. :)

  2. Hey Jin. Good job on the Greek quiz and all the other quizzes. I think that if you keep studying hard for these quizzes and tests you will be able to pass. Good luck.



And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...