Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"The Inner Machinations Of My Mind Are An Enigma"

"Sometimes we have to go deep inside ourselves to solve our problems." -Patrick Star

I would say that Parick Star is a great example of who I want to be. He's nice, friendly, and at times, a downright genius. He lives a simple, happy life. A life that everyone strives for. A life I want to strive for.

I will try to "channel my inner Patrick" to become more confident, organized, and mentally peaceful.

"Squidward, you and your nose will definitely not fit in!" 
When Patrick says something, he doesn't go back on his word. He sticks to it with certainty. He is confident in himself and his actions. Which is something I drastically need to improve on. I set low standards for myself. Now sometimes this is a good thing if you don't set it too low. I think of myself as a very basic person without much physical, or for that matter, mental strength. Everyone tells me that. My mom, dad, brother, uncle, both grandmas, and the list goes on. I think this is an easy fix on paper, but not in practice. I just have to constantly reassure myself that I'm a good, smart, and confident person. Yeah, this is going to be a bit hard.

"Why is your suitcase full of rocks?"
"I don't tell you how to live your life!"
Patrick knows what he's doing. He has everything working out. He doesn't work, has a pretty good house, lots of friends, and a good life in general. He has everything working out. He's organized. 
Now me on the other hand, can't for the love of Neptune remember anything he does. I have an agenda and that only works around 75% of the time. I need better control to get to this lifestyle. I think I need to just try something completely new. A new system. Remove a bit of the chaos. Relax. Namaste.

"Just do what I do when I have problems ...SCREAM!!"
Patrick need not think a lot. He just thinks once, and he's done. Period.
When I do something I think of what I'm doing, and then how I'm doing it, then if I'm doing it right, then that I'm failing, then my brain goes haywire, and I do my little "panic sway." That is really bad. I would say out of all of these, I need the most help with this. But I will prevail. Here's my strategy if I get a thought like this:
1: Recognize that I'm doing this,
2: Scream,
3: Think of something else completely unrelated.
If I do this, I will stop panicking about everything. It's simple... on paper. I think this will most definitely be the hardest, however. 

Either way, "Life isn't fair, get used to it!"
I'll take his advice, and start getting used to it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jin, THIS IS HISTARICLE AND GENIUS AT THE SAME TIME. I LOVE IT. All I could do while reading this was laugh, and it suits you very well. Also, if you scream in any class, I'll know why, which will help me not panic and make my anxiety skyrocket, so I'm glad I read this. Rhat and it made my day. I wish I could read this every time we have to post something on here.



And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...