Friday, September 28, 2018

"I may be stupid but I'm not dumb."

Image result for confused patrick
Need I explain this image? I didn't think so.
I am parched. Every week gets longer, which I admit, I have said every single time, but every time I say it it's true. 

I look at my brain as if it is a sponge. Right now, it's a Scotch-Brite in the ocean. It's like I can feel the sparks coming out of my forehead. I think that the main reason for this is the debate event tomorrow. If I'll be honest, yeah, I'm a little worried. I think I'll do good, but there's always a little anxiety when you do something "first" after a while.

I got a work computer. I don't trust the Davie kids (where the event is held at) enough not to steal it. I actually moved into my grandmothers' house for a year and had to go to a school over there. I don't think anyone would recognize me. I'm a pretty forgettable person. Heck, I even forget things about myself from time to time.

I swear to god, I thought I was 15 for around a quarter of the year. I am really god-awful tired and can't wait for a day where I could finally sleep in without worrying about a quiz, or an event. 

Going by Murphy's law and my good friend bad luck, that won't happen until June.

I wonder if it'll be all worth it in the end. I mean yeah, I got a lot more knowledge in general, no denying that. But my time management has become, interesting. I have succeeded in getting all my work done, but I have no time for anything but work and sleep. I haven't been overthinking, mainly because I have no time to think. So I guess I in a weird way, I kind of passed the challenge? I don't know at this point, and I'm too tired to figure it out.

Now I'm going to make a speech for tomorrow. Wish me luck. I probably may or may not need it.

Image result for sleeping patrick meme

Friday, September 21, 2018

"Now you must develop a taste for free-form jazz."

Image result for patrick freeform jazz
The sophisticated starfish, trying to derive the message out of a piece of classical music.
Work has been getting noticeably harder. Like, by a lot. I have been getting it done but it is becoming a very large challenge compared to my previous years in school. 

I got two headaches this week. Not just normal ones, but bad ones. An Advil would usually get rid of it, but I think I'm just taking them at the wrong time. Like life, I need to deal with it at the starting of the "problem."

I do think I am thinking less. No, hold on, that's a good thing. One of my biggest blessings (and a curse) is that I overthink literally everything. I need to think about things, it's just my human nature. That's why I'm trying to enjoy things more simply. Trying to just listen to music, rather than listening to the lyrics. Try to derive the sound, not the meaning. Like how Patrick takes simple pleasures over difficult games.

Friday, September 14, 2018

"East? I thought you said weast."

Image result for patrick star building stable
The ingenious starfish, building a staple. As always, he has made a great success.
Oh Nelly, my brain hurts. 

For a little background, I have studied every day from Tuesday on. I was supposed to have two quizzes on Wednesday, and one on Friday, but I ended up having four today. It was a very long day. Lucky for me, they were all pretty easy. You know, it feels really good to be prepared for a quiz, let alone four quizzes.

But I think this is the start of something. I think because of this, I will continue to study a lot more. Yes, it was really, really hard, but I survived, and in the end, I came out proud.

I do have to give most of the credit to my little brother, however (at least for the greek quiz.) He didn't want to or need to do it, yet he still helped me succeed. I got a 90 on it, which might sound meh, but after getting consecutive Fs on these quizzes, I think I did pretty good this time around.

Well, I'm going to take a long deserved hiatus (that was one of the vocabulary words by the way.)

Friday, September 7, 2018

"Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my weekly condiment soaking."

Image result for patrick star relaxing
The majestic starfish meditating, much like I will do over the long weekend.
"Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my weekly condiment soaking."

This was a very long and grueling week. Ironically enough, it was also a short week. I got into the debate elective despite having 100% certainty that I would definitely not get in. So that's pretty good, and then everything went kind of downhill from there. 

Looking back, there was no single "big" thing that happened, but rather a lot of little things. For one, I lost my agenda. I couldn't find it all week until today (which for those reading in the future, is a Friday.) I found it in my bookbag and felt like a complete idiot. Now, I'm not saying I'm not a complete idiot, just that at the moment I felt especially stupid. 

We had a debate in English class, which I have to admit was pretty fun, but I felt like I just completely messed up. In middle school, I was pretty good at speeches (I don't mean this in a braggy way, really I feel bad about it in all honesty,) and then this year I keep messing up. I don't know, I'm just not on my game.

And then there's my Greek class. Oh Nelly, this class. It feels like psychological warfare. Okay, so this is my hardest class right now. I have an F. Not a B or a C, no an F. So my teacher said we would have a classwork today, and you know what I did? I studied hard. I knew almost all of the one-hundred-and-twenty words I was told to study. I did amazing. I got every-single-one. And then she doesn't even grade it. I haven't felt real anger in over five years, and I felt it then and there. And the icing on the cake is that she said (to someone else,) "You're disappointed, well I am too because you don't study." I'm not exaggerating when I say I almost cried. But I didn't. Not for reasons like this. 

But you know, it's over. This week is done. I survived. I don't know how, but I did. It was hard, but I'm telling myself that it'll only get easier from here. I got all my work done despite these problems, and I feel I didn't panic at all this week. That may be a small achievement, but it's pretty big for me.

Well if you'll excuse me I'm going to drown myself in some Americone Dream ice cream. That's the best cure for a long week, and trust me, I really want some right now.


And I am done. Well, what can I say? It was really hard to do. I'm still really tired. All I know is that I'm glad that this yea...